😱 another makeover?!?!

That's right folks! I'm rolling out version 3 of my website. I feel like my design skills have grown significantly these past few months and I wanted my site to benefit from it. To everyone who has been with me through this journey, I continue to appreciate the support!


This website was created by me as a means to showcase my work in the areas of web development, data visualization, and design. The contents of this site are all creations of my own. Aside from this website being an example of my development skills, it's also a repository of my personal work in web and data vizualization development to include all of the projects completed in my continued journey. My overall goal for this site is to serve as a resource for others as they begin their personal journies.

I consider this site to be a work in progress as I continue my journey. In addition to the site, I enjoy sharing ideas and capabilities in data visualization with the Tableau #datafam community. Please don't hesitate to contact me if you have questions with any of the data visualizations added to this site. For updates follow me on LinkedIn or Twitter.

All data visualizations on this site are created using Tableau Desktop and stored on Tableau Public

Coming Soon!

Coming soon is my newly created blog Everyday Outliers. The new blog will be focused on developing visualizations using Tableau. I don't think of myself as a writer but it's time to take things to the next level in order to be of better service to the Tableau community.